1. Define the meaning of the term online profile.
A micro-blog is a social media site to which a user makes short, frequent posts
and e-articles are articles that are online, such as magazines and journals.
7. Explain four ways how either a blog, micro-blog or e-article can be optimised for SEO.
Images with tags
an appropriate URL name
using keywords in posts and articles
sharing content weather it is yours or something related to you.
8. Explain four reasons why it is important to use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in either
- Using original content is good for the SEO with links coming back to the business like a shop page.
Media: simple advert with just text and image, like a poster or banner
19. Explain two ways how media and rich media can amplify and propagate information.
1. Rich media can get people attention more and it generally gains more exposure.
Pinterest & Reddit
both website if you put them side to side look completely different. printerest is quite simple and minimal whereas reddit has a bit more information as it has more links on there page.
Five components of a content strategy for either blogs, micro-blog or e-articles for a business:
- Headline
An online profile is the
perception of yourself or an organisation gives to portray itself
profiles are different to business profiles as it is on just one person and not
a collective organisation
way in which a business is different to a personal profile is the content that
they highlight on their profile. A personal one could be to show what they have
been up to with friends where as a business profile would show what new
products that they are selling.
3a). Explain three
principles of optimising online profiles for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
More people will find you online which therefore mean more potential business and more potential sales.
Having a professional profile that is genuine to the organisation will help with driving people to your website.
3b). Explain 3 ways how online profiles should be optimised for SEO.
Constantly updating information on the businesses website or social media page
Uploading media like videos and photos with the right tags and image labels will contribute
Showcasing the businesses online weather t is on social media or a page on the website will help the business improve their reputation and online presence.
4. Describe four characteristics of an online profile
- Authentic
- Accurate
- interesting content
5. Identify one potential security issue and one potential privacy issue of an online profile.
One privacy issue is that anyone would be able to see the data that yo put up such as the businesses address, email and telephone number. One security issue is that the if you don't have the proper security.
6. Compare and contrast one feature of blogs, micro-blogs, e-articles
A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style..
a blog, micro-blog or e-article.
10. Identify five reasons for using blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles for a business
- You can access a wider range of audience as well as target a specific demographic.
- It gives off the impression that you know what you are talking about and the business is knows the market that it is operating in.
- Brand reputation increases
- The ability to share you content means that there will be a larger reach.
11 Analyse three advantages and three disadvantages of content syndication for either
blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles.
a blog, micro-blog or e-article.
Get people to the website
Attract the right demographic
Increase the positioning on search engines
9. Explain two ways how each of the following can amplify and propagate news and information.
Information with a lot of content
information that an be shared in many different ways, social media and email are just examples.
E-articles :
content that is ca be used to educate
available on many different platforms
quality not quantity of information
can reach the target audience in a short amount of time.
- You can access a wider range of audience as well as target a specific demographic.
- It gives off the impression that you know what you are talking about and the business is knows the market that it is operating in.
- Brand reputation increases
- The ability to share you content means that there will be a larger reach.
11 Analyse three advantages and three disadvantages of content syndication for either
blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles.
Can help with SEO
can reach more customers online
have a larger online presence
There is a high chance of plagiarism
if there is too much it can be classed as spam
if you don't have the right security you could be hacked
12. Explain three ways how engagement and sharing can be encouraged by using either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles.
- Adding social media plugins to the blog
- Having a competition to get people to share the post.
- have partnerships with other bloggers or organisations
13. Explain four characteristics of well written content for the web.
have a larger online presence
There is a high chance of plagiarism
if there is too much it can be classed as spam
if you don't have the right security you could be hacked
12. Explain three ways how engagement and sharing can be encouraged by using either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles.
- Adding social media plugins to the blog
- Having a competition to get people to share the post.
- have partnerships with other bloggers or organisations
13. Explain four characteristics of well written content for the web.
- Good spelling and grammar
- easy to read
-making it unique
- relevant to what the reader or customers needs are.
14. Explain three ways how content written for the web could positively or negatively affect overall brand, perception and reputation
1. if there is negative language then it may put off the customers
2. If the businesses products change to aim at a different demographic on the website then it could mean that the older customers will be more upset.
3. if the business posts anything that is not to a customers liking it may put then off.
15. Define the meaning of the terms:
Rich-media: a video, sound, animation, this could all be added to normal media.
16. Explain the importance of using the following on the web:
Media: it is a simple more straight to the point way of selling.
Rich-media: media that can be used for the above as well as exposure and brand awareness.
17. How can media/rich media affect overall brand, perception and reputation? Explain 3 ways.
1. Rich media on the website will make the customer feel like it is more of a unique website.
2. simple media with posts will make them stand out more and make it look more interesting to read.
3. if the website layout in terms of layout is easy to use then people are more likely to buy from you.
18. Explain three ways to optimise Media and Rich Media for SEO.
1. Using keywords
2. naming the images
3. using tags on media
2. Normal media will be quicker to load on the website so more people are more likely to see it quickly as the page will load and therefor the customer on't be put off by the length of time it takes to load the page.
20. Define the meaning of the term ‘Social Bookmarking’.
A way to save searches and websites using as specific website.
21. Define 'Social Tags'
Keyword generated by users on a platform to describe an image or an item.
22. Explain three reasons why it is important for a business to use social bookmarking to share content on the web.
1. To gain exposure
2. so they are always up to date
3. website is easy to find.
23. Explain two reasons why it is important for a business to tag content on the web.
1. So more people can see your page.
2. good for networking and associating with different organisations.
24. Define the term ‘Really Simple Syndication’ (RSS).
Family of web feeds used to publish and update blogs and websites.
25. Explain two reasons why it’s important for a business to use RSS for distribution of content on the web for a business.
1. Enable the publisher to syndicate data automatically which makes it easier and quicker.
2. Getting real-time data.
26. Compare and contrast two social bookmarking tools.
- Topic
- Rich media
27. Identify five components of a content strategy for either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles for a business.
- Headline
- The Topic
- Keywords
- Language
- Grammar
Task B
You are required to create two online profiles using two different social media tools. The online profiles need to include four characteristics for each
Link to Beacon Books Instagram
Link to Beacon Books Pintrest
Personal Profile
- easy to read
-making it unique
- relevant to what the reader or customers needs are.
14. Explain three ways how content written for the web could positively or negatively affect overall brand, perception and reputation
1. if there is negative language then it may put off the customers
2. If the businesses products change to aim at a different demographic on the website then it could mean that the older customers will be more upset.
3. if the business posts anything that is not to a customers liking it may put then off.
15. Define the meaning of the terms:
Rich-media: a video, sound, animation, this could all be added to normal media.
16. Explain the importance of using the following on the web:
Media: it is a simple more straight to the point way of selling.
Rich-media: media that can be used for the above as well as exposure and brand awareness.
17. How can media/rich media affect overall brand, perception and reputation? Explain 3 ways.
1. Rich media on the website will make the customer feel like it is more of a unique website.
2. simple media with posts will make them stand out more and make it look more interesting to read.
3. if the website layout in terms of layout is easy to use then people are more likely to buy from you.
18. Explain three ways to optimise Media and Rich Media for SEO.
1. Using keywords
2. naming the images
3. using tags on media
2. Normal media will be quicker to load on the website so more people are more likely to see it quickly as the page will load and therefor the customer on't be put off by the length of time it takes to load the page.
20. Define the meaning of the term ‘Social Bookmarking’.
A way to save searches and websites using as specific website.
21. Define 'Social Tags'
Keyword generated by users on a platform to describe an image or an item.
22. Explain three reasons why it is important for a business to use social bookmarking to share content on the web.
1. To gain exposure
2. so they are always up to date
3. website is easy to find.
23. Explain two reasons why it is important for a business to tag content on the web.
1. So more people can see your page.
2. good for networking and associating with different organisations.
24. Define the term ‘Really Simple Syndication’ (RSS).
Family of web feeds used to publish and update blogs and websites.
25. Explain two reasons why it’s important for a business to use RSS for distribution of content on the web for a business.
1. Enable the publisher to syndicate data automatically which makes it easier and quicker.
2. Getting real-time data.
26. Compare and contrast two social bookmarking tools.
- Topic
- Rich media
27. Identify five components of a content strategy for either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles for a business.
- Headline
- The Topic
- Keywords
- Language
- Grammar
Task B
You are required to create two online profiles using two different social media tools. The online profiles need to include four characteristics for each
Link to Beacon Books Instagram
This has been SEO optimised in 2 ways, it has hashtags (#) and a description for the post
The phrases that i have used in the Hashtag includes Books and Publishers as this is related, I have also use it in the description, i used the book names as this is related to the book.
Link to Beacon Books Pintrest
Personal Profile
Two recommendations to improve this profile is to be more active and to have more quality pots rather then quantitative posts.
Business profile
Two recommendations for this profile is to add more media to make it more interesting and to add more posts as there is only 2-3 posts a week.
Task C
200 word blog post to talk about his free-coffee with a sandwich promotion
Fancy a free coffee? Well then get down to Dave’s delicatessen. Where we have a wide range of our unique Italian extra olive oils and deli meats that are also included in our sandwiches and rolls. With freshly grounded coffee from the best parts of South America which includes coffee capital; Colombia. Our coffees are freshly prepared by our professionally trained baristas who have had their training in Italy, as you will know is the home of coffee.
Our coffee is ethically sourced and grown by Fair Trade farmers in Colombia. our ethically sourced coffee is so unique it is the only one of it's kind in our area.
When you are on your way to work and did not have time to make breakfast or lunch why not pick up a sandwich and get one of Dave's special delicious Fair Trade coffees on the house, no matter what kind of coffee from Expresso to Capachino to our speciality coffees such as our cream based caramel latte and even our decafe coffees. Meet our friendly staff and homily atmosphere with exceptionally quick service. What’s not to love about Dave’s Delicatessen. Head down between 6 and 10 for this amazing offer.
Our coffee is ethically sourced and grown by Fair Trade farmers in Colombia. our ethically sourced coffee is so unique it is the only one of it's kind in our area.
When you are on your way to work and did not have time to make breakfast or lunch why not pick up a sandwich and get one of Dave's special delicious Fair Trade coffees on the house, no matter what kind of coffee from Expresso to Capachino to our speciality coffees such as our cream based caramel latte and even our decafe coffees. Meet our friendly staff and homily atmosphere with exceptionally quick service. What’s not to love about Dave’s Delicatessen. Head down between 6 and 10 for this amazing offer.
one status update
When you are on your way to work and did not have time to make breakfast or lunch why not pick up a sandwich and get one of Dave's special delicious Fair Trade coffees on the house. Head down between 6 and 10 for this amazing offer.
two suggestions to enhance the content using media or rich-media
The first suggestion would be to add a graphic or a picture
The second one could be to add a little promotional video to engage the reader.
four words to use to tag the content
Free offer,
free wake up,
one screen print showing a social bookmarking tool, with four websites you have
bookmarked relevant to the business
one screen print showing an Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader with four pieces of
relevant content for the business.
Task D
one or more screen print/s showing six activity updates
the analysis of two similarities and two differences between the activities of the
The two similarities are that they both regularly use pictures and there is a lot of detail in the posts
The two differences are that they are beacon books post more regular but bloomsbury have more reactions to the posts.
three improvements to content for one of the businesses (Beacon Books)
- more rich media
- less bulky content
- quality rather then quantity content
give an analytical statement of changes in sentiment towards one of the businesses
All the feed back in comments have been visibly good and positive but they are not coming regularly enough.
one recommended improvement to the content to one of the businesses to improve
Interact with the audience more
Task E
1. Describe, giving two reasons, why it is important to recognise plagiarism.
- it may not be the original source so it could be misinterpreted
- it is illegal to plagiariser and this can be punished
2. Describe three principles why Intellectual Property Rights must be considered when
writing content for the Web.
- Need to know the source of the writing
- Need to get recognition or you could be punished and
- It is not your work so you should be credit to the person who's work it is.
3. Describe two principles of Copyright Law that must be considered when writing content
for the Web.
- It is in the public domain so you should be careful on what you put online.
- The right of fair use allows you as an individual to c publish content that refers to other people’s content.
Intellectual Property Rights
Patent your content.
Ensure your work is properly marked
5. Describe one implication of Copyright Law in other countries.
The duration of the patent may be different.
6. Describe two methods for discovering either plagiarism, breaches of Intellectual
Property Rights or Copyright Law.
The first method can be a simple google search
the second method is a a website called Varvy.com
7. Briefly describe the purpose of Creative Commons Licences on the Internet.
This allows free distribution of otherwise copyrighted work.
8. a) Identify each of the following Creative Commons License icons
Attribution. You must give appropriate credit to a persons work.
Noncommercial. Not to use the material for commercial purpose
No Derivatives — You cannot distribute the modified material.
b) State which licence can be used for commercial purposes and what action, if any,
needs to be taken.
Attribution can be used as commercial use. it has to be credited to be used in this way.
9. Describe three implications of content ownership on a business.
- Risk of it being copied
- accessible to nearly everyone
- people can pass it off as there own
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