Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Unit 302 Principles of keywords and optimisation

Task A
1.  Define the meaning of the term Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

The process of maximising the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.
In the case of Beacon Books, this would mean that we are in to appear high on a search engine with the keywords that are implemented.

2. Explain, giving two reasons, why Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is important to a business

  • To increase in a number of visitors - Beacon Books, would look to increase traffic to our website.
  • push up the search engine pecking order - Beacon Books are aiming to push their website to the top of the search page.
3. Briefly, explain the terms ‘organic’ and ‘paid’ search results.

Organic search results are something that you have searched for specifically. Beacon Books do this by creating their own quality content usually on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Paid is when you search for something related and something else comes up as an advert. Beacon Books does this when they pay for an advert on Facebook to go to a specific demographic of people.

4. Describe PPC and PPI 
PPC is when you have to pay whenever someone clicks on your ad
PPI is the cost per 1000 impressions.

5. Describe five factors that need to be considered as part of a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plan. 
  • content has not repeated - Beacon Book will not use the same phrase too many times.
  • no errors, for example, the description of a book is wrong, this needs to be corrected. 
  • Tags, # and key words will help make the search for books easier for the customer.
  • Links - external and internal links such as to YouTube Videos and Amazon pages or related books can encourage the customer. 
  • a Budget - The budget is very important for Beacon Books as we don't have a large budget so we have to look at whats value for money and what would get the best ROI from this.
6. Define the meaning of the term ‘keyword’
A word that is a key to what is talked about. Keywords for Beacon Books products would be what the product is and what the book is about that singles it out from the other products that we sell.

7. Explain 5 factors that need to be considered when identifying Keywords and/or Keyword Phrases.
  • Spelling
  • grammar 
  • long key words
  • related
  • placement of the word
Beacon Books needs to make sure all these factors are implemented as this could affect traffic to the website if the spelling, grammar is not correct.

8 Explain, with one example for each, how search engines include the following Social Media tools and channels in their results: social networking video blogs forums social bookmark

Social Networking - Google analytics is connected to social sites

Video - popularity of the keyword will make it reach higher up in the search

Blogs - blogs have good SEO as long as it is updated constantly

Forums- the questions can b linked when it is searched

Social Bookmark - Social bookmarking sites allow you to add and store your website links.

9 a) Describe two ways in which link building can help the search engine ranking of a website. 
  • Keywords in the link
  • can easily be found
 If BB uses keywords in their links then people who will search for their products will be able to find it easily as it should be higher up on Search engines.
9 b) Describe two ways in which link building can hinder the search engine ranking of a website.

  • Spelling mistakes
  • similarities from other links in the same site
Beacon Books needs to make sure all these factors are implemented as this could affect traffic to the website if the spelling, grammar is not correct.

10) Define the meaning of the term Social Media Optimisation

Promoting awareness of a brand on social media, usually encouraging interaction.

11) There are factors that can positively and negatively affect how a search engine ranks websites. Describe three positive and three negative factors.

  • more people can see the business
  • better representation of the business
  • can showcase products
  • More Exposed
  • more likely to be criticised
  • need to be careful on what is posted.
12) Explain by giving two reasons why Social Media Optimisation (SMO) is important to a business.

  • Showcase business and products
  • Can increase awareness of brand as it can be shared
13) Explain, with one example for each, how search engines include the following Social Media tools and channels in their results: social networking video blogs forums social bookmark

Social Networking - Google analytics is connected to social sites

Video - popularity of the keyword will make it reach higher up in the search

Blogs - blogs have good SEO as long as it is updated constantly

Forums- the questions can b linked when it is searched

Social Bookmark - Social bookmarking sites allow you to add and store your website links.

14) Compare two ways in which Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for a website differs from Social Media Optimisation (SMO).

  1. SMO uses more interactions and hashtags then SEO
  2. SEO usually has more concise content
15) Define the meaning of the term Mobile Optimisation.

This is when it is it is accessible to use on mobile devices.

16) Identify three ways how Mobile Optimisation differs from Search Engine Optimisation

  • It has been easy to read on mobile
  • videos and pictures have to compatible with mobile devices
  • all links should be able to load on mobile devices
17) Explain two reasons why mobile optimisation is important to a business

  • People can see your business on all platforms
  • can diversify what content you have to put up so it can be accessible to different markets
18) Describe, with three examples, how to optimise a website for viewing on a mobile device

  • use compatible videos
  • use smaller pictures so they fit on the screen
  • have the right website format so it is compatible with mobile devices
19) Give two reasons why keywords and/or keyword phrases for a mobile website might
differ from those for a non-mobile website

  • The method of finding different items
  • # may be prominent on mobile sites 
Task B

Jane has just started a business as a personal fitness trainer in Swindon, Wiltshire. She offers one to one instruction to people with a busy lifestyle who want to improve their fitness and/or lose weight. Jane’s customers are generally people aged over 30. Jane is also a qualified nutritionist and believes in the power of nutrition and fitness to provide mental and physical health. Jane wants to promote her business through a website and needs advice on the keywords or keyword phrases that should use on her website

 a list of five keywords and/or keyword phrases for the chosen business

  1. Personal Fitness Trainer
  2. over 30's
  3. busy life
  4. nutritionist 
  5. health
Identify the monthly search volumes and competition ranking for the chosen keywords and/ or keyword phrases. Take a screen print of the results and include it in the report

for one of the keywords and/or keyword phrases identified, use three search engines to identify the top three websites in organic search results. Take screen prints of the results and include them in the report. Indicate which results are organic results



choose three websites from one of the search results. For each of the websites identify three ways in which the keyword and/or keyword phrase is implemented 


Gumtree- 1) it has it in the description,  2) it shows the section of what i was searching for 
3) explanation in the description

YMCA - 1) has it in the description, 2) it describes it  3) The word is in bold

YMCA - 1) has it in the description, 2) it describes it  3) The word is in bold

review the keywords chosen and suggest one way of using the keywords better 

Use Shorter keywords

create a link building plan for the website of the chosen business. Include three ways of creating links and timescale for action 

  • research the links
  • find the appropriate link
  • create appropriate pages and post for the website
This should be done in this order as this is the way in which is most logical to get the right keywords

Explain three ways in which the selected keywords and/or keyword phrases can be
used to listen and engage with an audience on Social Media 

  • Used as hashtags (#) 
  • linking them to the right place
  • use them in conjunction with media like videos and images
You should also select a non-mobile website of your choice to review. The website
must be agreed with the assessor. Include the website address in the report. You
should also identify three changes that are required to make the chosen website
optimised for mobile device platforms

Web address:

The website that I have chosen is my organisations website; Beacon Books.
There are a few changes that need to be made to make sure that the website is suitable for mobile.

The first change is the slider at the top of the homepage. it does not look right on the mobile site. The pictures have been cut off. the improvement that I would make is to decrease the pictures size so that it will fit onto a mobile screen

The second improvement that I would make to the website is the speed of the website. It is very slow on mobile devices. This could be to do with how large the media is. If I reduce the media then I should be able to increase the speed to the website.

The Third problem with the website is the newsletter signup. It doesn't look appealing on the mobile site as you have to scroll across to get to the sign-up boxes.